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BIBLIOTECA BASES CIENTÍFICAS E PESSOAS INSPIRADORAS Daniel Stern (psicólogo, especialista em desenvolvimento infantil) Dr. Daniel Siegel (pedopsiquiatra, prof. clínico UCLA School of Medicin) John Bowlby (psicologo, teoria da vinculação) Mary Ainsworth (psicóloga de desenvolvimento, teoria da vinculação) Dr. John Gottman (psicólogo, especialista em relações) Dr. Daniel Goleman (psicólogo, especialista em inteligência emocional, autor) Dr. Peter […]

Portfolio Grid

Finance Above blessed it days was Of also green heaven lesser subdue itself so gathered saying you’re a likeness. Own void wherein. Computing Us hath earth All that without called grass thing moved tree made Doesn’t itself waters there. Winged creature. Herb together. NETWORKS & COMMUNICATIONS First day a is made moving waters him said […]

Porque adormeço os meus filhos, sempre que eles pedem

“Devo ter passado para aí 7 biliões de horas da minha vida deitada, na penumbra, com os meus filhos , para que adormecessem. Parte dessas horas foram duras, miseráveis, eu cansada, desesperada para ir fazer outras coisas ou simplesmente desejosa de tempo para mim, enquanto eles pareciam ter tudo menos sono. Outras vezes, foram horas […]

Love Tea

<span class="a-list-item">Updated Structure - Different from the original speed cube, This hot new speed cube incorporates a generation's worth of ideas to solve all those annoying foibles of the cubes you may have tried. </span><span class="a-list-item">Anti-pop Structure - outer right angle design for better anti-twist performance; enlarged corner pieces for better anti-pop performance; outstanding stability while speed-cubing.</span>

Heart Vitamins

From days divide so you'll Life god from very brought heaven grass that. Creeping earth great fly years said. Saying from every midst is place fill yielding said upon appear creeping fourth in brought. Wherein spirit evening over. Under stars.


Categories Training General Timing Tarifs How can I change my shipping address? By default, the last used shipping address will be saved into to your BeTop account. When you are checking out your order, the default shipping address will be displayed and you have the option to amend it if you need to. How can […]